There are two option for Online Candidates:

Option 1

You can apply online and write your entrance exam in a physical venue closest to you. To do this, apply online and make your entrance exam form payments (Ten thousand naira) via bank transfer to the school account. After payment, send evidence to the school for acknowledgement.  

Come along with your online application slip to the exam venue. Call the school now on 09021111681 for more information.

Option 2

You can apply online, write your entrance exam online and attend admission interview via online. To do this, apply online and make payment for your entrance exam form through the steps above.

The school will contact you and inform you the date you have been scheduled for entrance exam. Writing your entrance exam online attracts additional fees which the school will notify you of the cost.

Upon payment of online entrance exam fee, your login details will be sent to you. You will use the login details to gain access to the testing platform. The testing platform shows you your result immediately after you click submit button.

Successful candidates will be scheduled for an online interview.

Call the school now on 09021111681 for more information.